Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I´m Wide Awake, Its 4:00 am

We landed in barcelona and took a taxi to our apartment. I stared out the window with amazment, coming to terms with the idea of living in Spain for the next four months, a thousand thoughts. We get to the apartment, and it turns out to be a swanky, high ceiling, black tile floor, patio equipt pad. I´ll post pictures later for all to see but wow, very nice. Right on my street there are 4 tapas bars and we live close to everthing. I was told that the residential apartments in the area are some of the nicest in the city. I believe it.
In my apartment there is myself, Klee, and four very nice young men.
On the floor bellow us there is six very nice young ladies.
We all went out to dinner at 10 oclock and then went out to a pub afterwards. I felt like I was living in a dreamworld the whole time, still coming to terms with the experience. Unfortunatly, the pub we went to was packed with American students, but the longer I am here, and the more aquanited I get with the city, the less time I will spend in pubs like the one from last night. I thought it important to get to know my roomates and neighbors, and we all had a great time getting to know eachother. Mission accomplished.
Woke up, showered, walked down the stairs of my apartment, and the whole experience became more real. I finally saw Barcelona in the sunlight, and it is hipper than I could have ever imagined. The narrow streets and tiny corner cafes, it is just as I imagened, but better, because now its real. Plus, I´m not freezing my balls off, the weather is 55 degrees with alot of sun.
I am writing from the library of the University, we are having orientations till 6 today, then ciesta, then food, then out again.
The nights are fast paced and long. 4 oclock is normally when people start to head home. Will I be able to keep up? This week is crazy because we just got here and school hasn´t started, but once school starts things won´t be as wild, and I´ll be less overwhelmed. Also, I need to unpack and settle in.
Hopefully I´ll have internet in my apartment before the week is over.

1 comment:

  1. Keep blogging......what did you eat last night at the pub? Is it difficult figuring out costs due to euro vs. dollar? Can't wait to see some pics, your camera is in the carry-on bag in case u can't find it (just had to say that 'mom' thing). Do you know when the internet will be on in the apt.? When are your classes? I already know Klee's schedule, not yours! Hmmm....let me know a good area to stay in if I end up coming to visit. Miss u much, its quiet here w/out you, the guitars, drums, friends.....yesterday I loved the quiet, today not so much.
    Mom #1
